Friday, September 2, 2011

How Simple It Is

In this day in age people constantly hear and speak of topics such as veganism, vegetarianism, nutritional facts, losing weight, and living a healthier lifestyle. However, many of these people fail to actually take action or are intimidated by the changes to their current lifestyle. It is not that hard. It is all a matter of mind over matter, a mere need to have control and tasty food options.

I can say from experience that the possibilities of a vegetarian or vegan diet are endless. So I am here to share my knowledge of cuisine and experimental dishes with all of you. Hopefully I can increase both mine and your own knowledge and confidence in making healthy vegetarian choices. So enjoy and check back any time you need some ideas or encouragement ! :)

You should also know that I am a young teenager with the drive and desire to become a great vegetarian culinary artist one day! I would enjoy nothing more than a life filled with traveling, cooking, photography, and writing. Come along with me and I will lead an expedition through A Meatless Milieu.

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